Senior Mobility Vehicle

This vehicle aims to offer improved mobility to older people resident in large-scale residential facilities; in particular, those that might have mobility issues of their own. Beyond simply transporting the passenger to their destination fully autonomously, the vehicle is equipped with onboard biometric sensing equipment. This allows the vehicle to monitor the vital signs of its passenger, alerting facility staff to potential emergencies and contributing data to the wider care context through daily use. 

Healthcare Support Vehicle

Designed to operate autonomously in the bustling, complex and unpredictable environments found inside working hospitals, the vehicle is specially equipped for maximum maneuverability.  Its primary role is to supplement the work of care staff to distribute medicines and other vital materials to where they need to be. In today’s world, where care staff are increasingly at a premium, we want to augment the capabilities of existing staff and improve the experience of being in hospital for patients.

healthcare support vehicle photo

On-Campus Delivery Vehicle

Delivering parcels from their drop off location on campus to their target building autonomously, this vehicle cuts down on labor requirements and manual handling risks, while allowing campus residents, for example older residents of large residential care facilities, to reap the benefit of a reliable, trustworthy solution for delivery of their valuable parcels.

Predictive Maintenance

Predictive maintenance can be seen as crucial in ensuring passenger safety in driverless vehicles. FUTU-RE has developed and patented a technology for early detection and rapid localization of malfunctions without the need to rely on known failure modes. Collaborating with Prof. Mao and his team from the Tianjin University of Technology’s School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, the aim is to enhance this technology using machine learning methods, with the goal of realizing a higher level of predictive maintenance.

smart vehicle that monitors passengers' vitals

Biometric Data Analysis

Utilizing millimeter-wave radar, FUTU-RE has developed non-contact, real-time monitoring of our vehicles’ passengers’ biometrics, including heart rate and respiration. We are also working on a project to monitor, record and report food intake at residential care facilities using white goods such as fridges. This allows healthcare professionals greater insight into the lifestyles of the patients for which they are responsible.

Graceful Drive

Optimizing cornering logic for self-driving vehicles is a crucial component of passenger comfort, safety and enjoyment. We have developed control logic known as ‘Graceful Drive’ that aims to realize optimized cornering for the occupants of the self-driving vehicle. A patent application is in progress.

Wind Measurement and Analysis

High-sided vehicles, such as large trucks, are particularly vulnerable to strong or gusty side winds while driving. Such winds can represent a cause of accidents, and drivers are trained to recognize and mitigate their adverse effects. As self-driving vehicles, including large trucks, become more common, we have developed a solution to address the risks posed by side winds. We first consider optimal sensor distribution, then feed wind data to the vehicle, adjusting speed and steering inputs when required. Our goal is to enhance safety not only for the vehicle itself, but other road users.

Smart Mobility for All

We welcome any comments and feedback. Please use the contact form to get in touch. Alternatively, you can contact us directly by email. We look forward to hearing from you.

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No.96 Gaotai Road, Zhangjiawo Town, Xiqing District, Tianjin, China
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